The success of Mirror Image Animation depends on our generous patrons, who believe that media rooted in truth has the power to change the world. Please consider supporting our mission through a general donation or by backing one of our campaigns below. Thank you so much for your support!

Donation FAQs

How are you managing your funds?

As a sole proprietorship, Mirror Image Animation’s finances have been synonymous with my own so far, as I’ve paid all the expenses myself (such as website hosting and PO Box rental).  Now that funding will be coming from outside sources, I’ve set up a separate bank account to explicitly distinguish which funds are being allocated to Mirror Image Animation.  Anything coming out of that account will either directly pay for a Mirror Image-related expense or will reimburse me for a Mirror Image expense I’ve already paid for out of pocket.  Any surplus money from this or other fundraising campaigns will be used at my discretion for the company’s future needs.

Is MY donation tax-deductible?

We are not currently registered as a nonprofit, so unfortunately, your donation will not be tax-deductible.

What ways can I donate?

PayPal or credit/debit card: For general donations not related to specific campaigns, click here or on the blue “Donate” button towards the top of this page.

Cash/check: If you’re old school or don’t want PayPal nibbling at your donation with their service fees, you can send cash or a check to the address below. (NOTE: Checks must be made out to “Nathan Meiner” since the Mirror Image Animation account is still under my name.)

Mirror Image Animation
c/o Nathan Meiner
PO Box 1082
Carmel, IN 46082

Other donations: If you are willing to loan or donate anything that Mirror Image Animation is in need of (A/V equipment, meeting spaces, services, volunteering time, etc.), let us know at A penny saved is a penny earned!

Prayer: This is essential to keeping the whole operation afloat. If you are interested in becoming a “spiritual sponsor” for one or more days during the month, we send out a prayer signup calendar as part of the monthly newsletter. (You can sign up for that here.)